Apr 08, 2004 22:51
I started out this morning feeling kind of down for whatever reason, but now I feel so much better. I'm just stressed about my thesis, but it will get done. I have 33 pages done of my first draft, which I guess is good considering I only started writing like 6 days ago. I feel like it'll never end. It'll probably be 100 pages before I'm done and that is bad.
Other than that, and except for the whole "What am I doing with my life in a few months" thing, life feels good right now, literally right now. Who knows how I'll feel tomorrow. All I know is that a) I'm taking three classes again this quarter and so I have a four day weekend, which granted I use to write my thesis and read but hey, it's not class. b) I'm commiting myself to vegetarianism. It's going well so far but we'll see how it goes. Chester I'm doing it for you. Though I may still eat fish as I make the transition. I know it's lame but I bought "Being Vegetarian for Dummies." It's totally useful even if you're not vegetarian. I've learned a bunch of stuff about nutrition in general. It's not like I've been eating much meat the past year or so anyway, and I discovered a while ago that I like tofu more than any meat, but hey may as well make it official and start taking those Omega 3 supplements. c) The Sopranos is soooo fucking good. Last week's episode was the best I've ever seen. Adriana is my favorite character on TV. I guess everyone else's too because she's about to be on Friends and there was a big article on her in the New York Times...and she is dating Shooter Jennings and producing his record?? So random. Please don't kill her off mobsters. She rocks my world and makes me want to be an Italian American from New Jersey. d) I have the best roommates in the world. How did I get surrounded with three such amazing people? The only thing is, I don't tell them enough. e) I saw Stereolab last night and they ruled. But warning to Nashville folks: wear earplugs. I'm not even kidding. That was the only bad part. They kind of lost some of their complexity by being so fucking loud. f) last but not least, I had Chipotle today. And yesterday :( It's a disease.
This entry totally contradicts my rationale behind choosing Tony Soprano as a user picture. I swear my angst will soon return, especially as I realize that every day I move closer to leaving the amazing city of Chicago :( But at least I will return to Nashville and see my friends there and be with Ryan, my iced latte partner.
I may try to get Pixies tickets tomorrow. They'll probably sell out within 2 minutes, they're so expensive and it's not till October and who knows where I'll be. But I'll look at it as an investment. If I get the tickets and can't go, me and my kids will be set for the rest of our lives in the scalping process.
The only blemishes in the immediate present are my subhuman frat boy neighbors. But I won't get into that. Suffice it to say that they've already gone to court once because of our complaints, and my revenge will be to send them back and to get them evicted before this year is over. And I will burn their fucking bongo drums and Dave Matthews CD's. Tonight I walked in the front door and they were having a party and I heard one of them go "Hey turn the music down!" I thought this was because of me and my intimidating power. But alas I soon discovered it was because there were cops outside. These cops were here in response to Emily calling 911 because someone was being beaten outside of her window. I can't wait to move out of this shithole.