Jun 30, 2003 11:48
word. i'm at work now. last day and i'm getting a little sad. the monday crew is kickin ass per usual here at the station. i like these kids. they play the punk rock and are tiny and about 12. and they're so cute they remind me of the good ole days, when i was cool and wrote riot grrrl on my hands and we went to lucy's a lot. yea sure it sounds lame, but its the thought that counts you know? sigh. what happend to me i ask? i am a nerd now. oh well i guess huh? i still listen to music in my car as loud as i can and sing and bounce around but really i was thinking the other day, once all my cds were stolen in ireland somethings happend. i haven't loved music since then. this needs to change. i dont wanna be a losery adult who "doesnt really listen to music" those people always confused me.
goddammit some ho just requested offspring. dammnit. ooh they're not gonna play it! sweeet! they're cool!
anyways. stupid instant messenger isnt working so i am updating this ho. what have i been up to you ask?
well this morning, at like 2 i couldnt sleep so i sat in the lounge room reading and the today show comes on here at 2 in the morning so i watched a bit of that. they were talking about the hot summer temps. dude. that really fucks with me. i had no idea how affected i am by the seasons. its the dead of winter here in australia. i've been walking the streets singing christmas carols and its hot in america? summer you say? i cant explain how strange this is for me. i feel like this year is a record skipping. winter part 2. strange. its not that cold, but mostly cloudy and rainy and cold enough for a sweater and coat all the time. god dammit. the fucking offspring just came on. bleeeeeeeeech.
anyways. i have alot to say. i just dont think anyone would care to hear it. i've been a huge loner lately. yea, i'm hanging out with the kids that are still here but for the most part they've all gone all over again. too many goodbyes, but i'm getting used to it. sadly. ah what do i have to be weird about. nothing! we're taking a road trip in a week and that is the answer to all possible problems! road trip! leaving! wee!!! we're up to cairnes on a mission to drop off housemate dan's car at his parents new house. we might try and document this with a video camera. we'll see how that works. at any rate it should be hilarious. the car has no stereo, we're gonna boom box it, and it'll probably fall about after 2 days and we'll be stranded only to be consumed by angry crocidiles and snakes and spiders and all the other scary stuff that happens the second you leave an australian city. IF we make it to cairnes i will get to see the great barrier reef! woah! never thought that would happen so i'll believe it when i see it and i cant hardly wait really.
in other news, i went to sydney last weekend to visit an old buddy there and had a great time. sarah and i stowed away on carraige d, drunk, tired, confused and arrived on a warm sydney evening. not like the barren freezing wastleland of melbourne, no no it was actually sunny there. point being, we went out and ended up hanging out with american servicemen who are on a world tour (as it turns out the government is taking them on a vacation of sorts to all the countries that helped the united states in the war, they'd already been to thailand, singapore, etc.) and the guys were insane. i'd never seen postwar servicemen in real life (only in the movies) and they actually were alot like how they were in the movies. they were drunk, friendly and absolutely ON THE PROWL for ladies. all day and all night they were walking up to girls on the streets introducing themselves, at bars, dancing like mad all over the place, it was insanity. we got hit on in line at mcdonalds. but the point is that they started talking to us and they were so nice and really cool actually. i felt weird and awful for them because they told us how people booed them when they arrived in australia, because the anti war sentiment was so great here. but they all just looked at it as a job. its not even like they have some awesome national pride. they were like, "we do what we're told, its how we make money". most of them said they fucked up in high school so this was their option. it brought the whole thing so close to home. most of the guys we talked to were younger than we were.
anyways, this has gotta be boring and not linear at all. the phone keeps ringing for more requests, and so i lose train of thought. last day last day. no manager, its a party. well i guess i should stop myself. i could ramble on for a lot longer as i have no instant messenger and i feel like talking for once.
has anyone ever seen the disney version of robin hood? we watched it last night, it was amazing. i think its my new favorite. what a hero that robin hood was. on a side note, i've realized after this semester of EXCESSIVE movie watching that the movies that get me on the edge of my seat the most are disney movies. seriously, during alice in wonderland i was holding my breath the whole time. if thats not a high octane psychological thriller i dont know what is.
ok seriously. its time for me to stop. laters.