Sep 22, 2004 11:51
okay... jess... the commonwealth rocks!
i'm so impressed that the little guys of cluttered who were definitely shorter than me for most of their career have grown into this band.
ugh. i don't think i'm gonna make it very long at work today. i feel like throwing up just sitting here. this could be bad.
random note: terra is a genius.
another random note: kyle rakes is one of the smartest people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. he WILL succeed. and i'll be behind him every step of the way. i highly respect people who have the balls to leave all they know and get out into the world and really experience it. and many thank yous to kyle as well for helping me through all the hard stuff. the endless hours of bitching have really helped me deal with all this crap. tu es muy bueno senor. (yeah i fucked that one up all up, down, and sideways.)
oh yes and one more random note: kevin linn owns. what a freakin' genius. and miss hizzle is the hottest...
i rented mean girls last night and it was uber freakin' hilarious. definitely not your typical teen movie... but i definitely identified with that movie a lot. man, the beginning of my tenth grade year... i was totally a "plastic." then i met karolyn and that all went down the shithole. god, does anyone remember those hideous lunchboxes we used to stuff stickers in and demos and then pass them out everywhere? ugh. horrible horrible. but yes, the movie is definitely worth watching.
and scottie... watch out for those WCU girls.