Adventures of 52/m/ga on Omegle.

Feb 21, 2010 22:27

Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: hay bby
Stranger: asl
Stranger: asl
Stranger: as
Stranger: l
You: 52/m/ga
Stranger: super horny
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: 19 m usa
You: 52 m ga
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hello there.
You: hay
Stranger: what brings you around?
You: cruisin'
Stranger: i like that! cruisin'!
You: you do, do ya?
Stranger: You gotta be an American man who is bored!
You: i am
You: 52/m/ga
You: super bored
Stranger: This is a nice way to find the unexpected, isnt it?
You: sure is
Stranger: I am a male myself... we should keep looking
You: watcha looking for?
Stranger: something unexpected... in a pleasant way.
You: i like that
Stranger: have fun!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: howdy
Stranger: there i was. naked. in a beanbag chair eatin cheetos..
You: sounds pretty darned sexy
Stranger: it would if i was a bitch son
You: huh what
You: tell me more
Stranger: wtf are you implying dude im a DUDE
You: im implying that that is pretty sexy'
Stranger: well im SAYIN im not gay -_-
You: im not gay either, son
Stranger: well im 103 years old i think you are the junior, i remember WWI boi
You: my mistake
You: pix?
Stranger: no my grandchillin all took my photoboxes away cuz i was takin pictures of my wrinkly dick
You: thats a shame
You: woulda loved to have seen that ;)
Stranger: why is that? im tormented enough by dang kids on my lawn and obamas death panels. havent you herd sarah palin?
You: uh yeah
You: i've watched nailin' palin or w/e that prono was called
You: and uh cuz you sound pretty damned sexy, what with those wrinkles and all
Stranger: pix?
You: sorry cant aford no camera
You: aint worked in 2 years
You: damn that obama
You: you there
Stranger: yea
Stranger: im trying to help this dude tune a guitar
You: you play the geetar?
Stranger: yep i diddled a fiddle for quite some time now ever since nineteen-dickety two
You: nice
Stranger: just wondering are you still at school-goin age? i cant be speakin with no kids otherwise grammy'll have my old ass on a silver platter
You: no sir
You: been outa school quite some time
Stranger: so why you on this new - fangled internets? im just waiting to die so i got nuthin better to do, ive lived my life all done i have, yep
You: for talkin and stuff
Stranger: well do ya have any good stories? im so old ill tell em till ya die of boredom i been doin that too long
You: once had a chat with a goat
You: best day of my life
Stranger: did you know an animal becomes smarter right before it dies? i talked to a goat too and it told me the meanin of life right before it was killed by a butcher
You: innit something?
Stranger: well sonny my colons callin so ill leave you with a thought fer the day- "Socratic learning is the gain of knowledge through the epiphany of ignorance."
You: seeya ole man nice chatin
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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