Justin <3

Jan 10, 2005 08:40

He got here yesterday beucase of the traffic in salt lake city.

Hes everything that I could have ever thought he would be, im so incredibly in love with him. Hes great, when he got off the bus my heart was POUNDING, insanely. Then he put all his stuff down, and grabbed me and kissed me. Its been so long sence i have kissed someone, and it actually meant something. It was more than just perfect, it was almost like it was a dream. Hes so cute, hes a little taller than me, and hes just *sigh* I dont know. Hes wonderful.

We spent the night at danielles house last night, (me, justin, and trish) all stayed there with danielle and seara. It was alot of fun, Justin fell asleep early beucase he had been on a bus for 3 nights. He likes it here, and im glad.

We smoked alot of pot last night, we were all really high. and then we each had a shot of vodka, i dont know why we didnt drink more, we SO should have, were at school, aha, and trisha has the half gallon in her bag. Its so funny.

Im so happy that justin is the cuddley type, beucase when i sleep im all over the place. it was so funny, he fell asleep early, at like 7, and we stayed up til like 11 or 12 maybe? and right as i was laying down to go to sleep the fucker attacked me, i was like OH MAN hot boy on top of me, but i wont go into detail with what we did beucase im sure you dont wanna hear it. Hes such a good kisser, and HIS TATTOOS ARE SO HOT!! I was drooling when i saw them, i was like............ohhh mannnn.
Im so happy you guys, finally, im happy with someone <3
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