OOC: Application

Jun 19, 2018 21:39

Name: Crow
Personal Journal: silver_foxglove
Contact Info:
A SnowWhite Crow |

Name: Konan
Source: Naruto
History: When she was a young girl, Konan, Pain (who was at the time known as Nagato), and Yahiko were left orphaned by one of Amegakure's many wars, forcing them to fend for themselves with no adults to care for them. They did well enough on their own for a time, but a war-scarred land wasn't the most hospitable of homes or haunted children. The three eventually encountered Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru (Who were young adults at that time). The trio fed the children what little food they had on hand, offering them crackers that they devoured hungrily. Jiraiya took pity on them and looked after them for about three years and taught them basic ninjutsu so that they would be able to defend themselves when he left them. The four worked well together as a sort of odd family unit and were all closely linked, though the children were closer to one another than Jiraiya was to them. Jiraiya had believed Konan to have died with Nagato and Yahiko some time later until he ran into them once more and was drawn into battle with them.

Pain arrived to save Konan, after she had been doused with oil from Jiraiya's attack, rendering her skills and abilities with paper useless. By then though, Jiraiya had found out the identity of the two and asked about Yahiko, wondering if he were dead and the other two the sole survivors of the trio of needy children he had raised for a few years and taught to survive on their own. Pain confirmed Yahiko's death and fought Jiraiya, ending his life. Soon after, he and Konan, as well as what little was left of the Akatsuki prepared and began their war on Konoha, at the behest of their newest members: Sasuke, Juugo, Karin, and Suigetsu. Upon arrival, a team of Leaf Ninja are destroyed, with Konan being given the orders by Pain to show no mercy, to spare no one. She can be seen then trapping people in her paper, asking them about the whereabouts of Naruto. The Aburame clan protects those constrained people, and annoyed, Konan turns to face them, only to retreat upon realizing that Pain has decided to use one of his most dangerous jutsu. Concerned, she calls him by his real name, "Nagato" and begs him to stop. Pain's mind, however, is made up, and he continues onwards. Soon after, Konan could be seen departing, stating that she will look after him from now on. The battle went on, and Pain very nearly managed to destroy all of Konoha, killing most citizens before having a seeming change of heart, giving up his life to bring everyone back in one last, massive jutsu. The last we see of Konan after is her offering Naruto a bouquet of paper flowers in peace, and leaving with Pain's body, presumably defecting Akatsuki and taking over Amegakure. She will be taken from these last moments, alone as she escorts the corpse of her partner home.

Personality: Konan is a solemn woman, both practical and efficient, in a quiet manner. She guards her ideals fiercely, if in a more passive manner than others. She is protective of her partner, their closeness stemming from their childhood and growing up together as orphans of war. Konan is not abrasive, preferring to listen and learn, rather than get overzealous or upset over something that could lead to an explosion of temper and a visible weakness that could in turn be exploited (though she has been known to scold a superior on behalf of her partner's good name).

Overall though, despite her willingness to talk to others, she remains a reserved woman, preferring to deal with her emotions in her own manner, rather than expressing them too publicly and having to handle any possible repercussions. This is not to say that she doesn't possess normal emotions and feelings like anyone else; simply that she keeps them beneath the surface of a very convincing mask. They are meant for herself and herself alone, not something to be spoken of freely.

However, this is not to say she is a completely shut-off person, either. But others would find it a difficult task to break through that level of cool ice she surrounds herself with. It is something that Konan is almost proud of, in her own modest way. And while she is not as active as others of the Organization, she is by no means lazy. Though Konan does enjoy quiet moments to herself to perfect her art, the kunoichi is still well-versed in fighting and self-defense, even if she rarely sees reason to use it at present. To train the mind you must train the body in tandem, and she never lets one side become unbalanced for want of spoiling the other with overindulgence.

Lastly, Konan is respectful and formal to those around her, preferring not to get too close or honor someone's name too informally. A polite use of the honorific "san" tends to keep people at just the right distance to better gauge them. If she is treated with respect, she will return it, no matter what her view of someone is. Even if they are enemies, on opposite sides, she will at least extend that cool courtesy.
Biggest Fear: Failing Pain, fire to an extent, as well as being made helpless by water. Not seeing her partner's dreams made real, seeing Nagato suffer.
Powers: She has created a unique transformation technique called Shikigami no Mai which can turn her entire body and clothing into thousands of sheets of paper, which she can control at will and form into any shape. To travel long distances, she can mold them into butterflies or planes for powered flight, and to attack, the sheets can form arrows, shuriken, or kunai. She can also restrain opponents by blanketing them in sheets restricting their movement.

She does have weaknesses, though. Jiraiya covered her with oil to make her paper cling to itself and negate her abilities. It is possible she is also weak to water, as Pain stopped his rain technique before sending Konan out. However, when she was a child she seemed to have no problems fighting in the rain. Shino's bugs seem to be able to eat through her paper as well.

Third Person: Blue eyes snapped open, and within the span of a breath being drawn the woman had jerked herself upwards and into a full sitting position. Warily, she eyed her surroundings, keeping the blanket held upwards, against her chest. A simple room...serviceable if plain furniture. Two doors. Carefully, Konan slipped a foot off of the bed, and then the other, darting from it towards the wall, glancing back, as if to make sure that there were no traps she had narrowly avoided.

There were none, of course. But that didn't ease her mind or give her reason to relax. There was a tenseness to the air that the kunoichi could not immediately explain...but knew for being something highly unpleasant. Carefully then, she began to pace her way about the room, moving towards the large wardrobe. Gingerly she drew it open, peering around, startled to see...her clothing. Carefully she tugged the heavy black cloak free of it's hanger and drew it about herself. She could still catch the faint scent of home on it and clutched the fabric closer then, sighing.

"...If I have been abducted then surely my captors will show their faces soon enough..." she said softly as a means of verbally reinforcing her thoughts. It worked though, and she turned away from the bureau, sweeping her hair upwards and fixing it in place, using the new paper rose as an anchor.

"They are far more hospitable than most..." But that wasn't necessarily a calming thought. More it told her that her captors had money to afford to place her in such a space unchecked...unbound. Disconcerted, she moved to open and peer through the nearest door, opening it. A long hallway. She paused there, for just a moment before plunging forward.

Pein. She had to return to him. And she would stop at nothing to do just that.
First Person: [[Voice Post]]

This does not appear to be anywhere near Amegak-

[The voice is neutral at first, quiet and cool. A woman's voice, cultured and soft as she asses her obviously foreign surroundings.]

Wait. This place. This building...I remember it. I had thought perhaps it was

[There's a softly drawn in gasp as true realization sinks in and Konan understands just what's happened again.]

...Here again then...? But why bother? I did my penance. 1,000 cranes. I am-was...

[There is passion in her voice now, displeasure mixed with personal mourning and pain. She takes a deep breath, as if trying to calm down, but it's to no avail and her next words are part of a rare outburst.]

I have matters that I must attend to elsewhere. I am needed there. Things need to be taken care of and I am the one who must do so!

[And Konan sighs softly, sounding weary and tired; more tired than ever before.]

Are any that I know...still here...? If so...

[The pause is a long one before she finishes the sentence, obviously reluctant.]

I would appreciate a response...


ooc: application

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