Fic: So Sings The Wind - Part 2 - He Misses Her II

Apr 10, 2008 20:29

Title: So Sings the Wind - Part 2 - He Misses Her II
Author: Xanfan
Fandom: Launching from BtVS and going into many others, including but not limited too Stargate, NCIS, CSI (all), Sentinel, Highlander
Rating: R
Pairing: none, yet
Summary: Two years after Chosen and one year after NFA, the Scoobies discover that what they’ve always believed to be true is a lie, the result of an unwise use of the “W” word. Was Whistler being ironic when he told Angel that Buffy “must be prettier than the last Slayer?” In all the years of modern medicine, surely Buffy was not the first Slayer to be revived. Could they, should they, would they be able to make the world right again?
Spoilers: All of Buffy
Warnings: AU, possible slash
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

He Misses Her II

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