Enough - Part 5 - Awkward Silences and Evil Plots

Sep 08, 2006 17:25

Title: Enough - Part 5 - Awkward Silences and Evil Plots
Author: Xanfan
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing: mentions of B/R and Xander/Anya with a possible future slash
Summary: Xander confronts Buffy about her feelings for Riley.
Spoilers: After The Replacement, season five
Warnings: AU, possible M/M in the future.

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: A day or two after The Replacement. Goes AU after that.

Xander shifted awkwardly in his stool, across the table from Riley. He was glad the music at the Bronze somewhat covered up the uncomfortable silence between the two. It didn’t help that the former soldier was intentionally ignoring him.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” said Xander, attempting to bridge the conversational gulf.

“Sorry for what, Xander? Sorry for kissing me to get rid of your date? For Buffy finding out? For Anya deciding that, no matter how much we protest, we would make a perfect couple? For her and Buffy deciding to set us up together instead of with random women? Or maybe you’re just sorry for telling my girlfriend to break up with me in the first place?” Riley’s voice rose to a shout at the end of the sentence. He immediately regretted what he had said when he saw the look of hurt on Xander’s face.

“Xander, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that,” Riley started.

“I kinda think you did, Ri,” Xander said softly.

Riley didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything.

“It really wasn’t my intention. I just… That day in the basement. The look on your face when you said she didn’t love you. It was bad, man. I just didn’t want to see you hurt anymore. I really thought that she would… I don’t know, get her act together, something. She wasn’t treating you right. And I’ve been there, done that, still got the t-shirt and spoon to show for it. I really thought all she needed was an eye opener, you know, a kick in the pants. I’m so sorry, Riley. I know I screwed everything up and I wish I could make it up to you, but I know that nothing could,” the brown-eyed carpenter said earnestly.

Riley sighed. He really hadn’t meant to come down on Xander. He was just so frustrated with the whole situation. He knew it was unfair to lash out like that. But this was the third time this week that he been invited somewhere by Buffy for a supposed Scooby meeting and shown up to find only Xander waiting there for him. Riley knew Xander wasn’t in on it because he always looked just as surprised to see only Riley. “I know you didn’t, Xand. It’s just the frustration talking. Why the hell do they keep doing this to us? Graham made fun of me for hours because I have ‘I’m not gay, Buffy’ as the outgoing message on my answering machine.”

Xander couldn’t help it, but he tried to hold the giggles in for as long as he could. And yeah, that happened to be only for a matter of seconds, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Riley didn’t last much longer. Soon, they were both practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

When Xander could capture breath, he gasped out, “I’m thinking the laughter is a sign of hysteria.”

Riley could only nod his agreement as he was still having intermittent bouts of laughter.

When they both calmed down some more, the former soldier said, “What are we gonna do about this? Do you think there’s any way to get them to stop?”

Xander thought this over for several minutes before a dangerous glint came into his eye. “Who says we have to stop them? What’s that old saying, ‘if you can’t beat them, join them?’”

“Huh?” Riley asked eloquently.

“The way I figure, while Buffy and Anya are setting us up together, they are not setting us up with crazy women. Right?”

Riley began to see the light. “So, we just go along with it?”

Xander’s smile morphed into an evil smirk to rival all evil smirks. “Yeah, let’s play along. And maybe, get a little of our own back.”

“What do you mean?” Riley asked.

“Well, maybe we should start setting the girls up on their own dates. Or should I say ‘date?’”

Once again Riley could only come up with one response. “Huh?”

The ex-soldier grew a little apprehensive when Xander began to rub his hands together in the fashion favored by cartoon villains everywhere.

“Buffy and Anya like to invite us places and not show up in order to push us together. We could do the same thing. Don’t you think Anya and Buffy would make a nice couple?”

“Oh, you’re good,” Riley all but purred.

“I’ve spent the past several years surrounded by teenage girls, I’ve got the whole nefarious scheme thing down pat,” Xander replied smugly.

Riley shivered. He wasn’t sure whether it was in anticipation or fear, but it didn’t seem to matter, since he was so in. Riley chose not to acknowledge to himself how hot Xander was when he was being devious and plotting.

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