Fandom: Teen Wolf
Fic Title: when the smoke clears
Fic Author:
spikedluvType: traditional and banner
Media: pastel on black and white canvas, thread; MS Publisher
Art Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: n/a
Warnings: blood
Oh hey! I originally signed up to write for
WIP Bang and this year I did actually finish (!), but I decided not to publish for various reasons. I still wanted to participate so I signed up for art and ended up with this cool fic by
spikedluv, which you can find
here! I wanted to draw the Nemeton in both timelines to show the contrast, and I had a black canvas I wanted to experiment with so I cut it and a white canvas in half and stitched them together (which was NOT easy), which gave the present-day panel an eerily bright quality. I personally think it looks much better in person, but you'll have to take my word for it :P I've included a banner version and the original drawing.