Baby Update!

Aug 20, 2007 17:20

So this is it everyone! As of today I am full term and the baby can literally be born any time. She's healthy and I'm totally ready to meet her! If you want to plan on visiting us at the hospital make sure I have your phone number so we can call you once she's born. If you just want to know also make sure I have a phone number, or at least an email address (not that I won't probably post here). Keep your eye on our website too since I'm sure we'll post pictures there as soon as she's born (and I do mean AS SOON AS, Quinn will likely have his laptop with him and be downloading pictures... *love*). Also, anyone interested in coming to her Naming it's prescheduled for October 13th at Herzl with partyness after at my parents. YAY! I'm so excited!!
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