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It's brilliant! It utterly missed the point if the song, runs the sound woman in leather kicking the crap out of men in stupid heels...oh, just let me be your little sub.
I think this was meant to be an update, but mu sexy senses are tingling.
Today, I might be getting a job, but won't place my bets too soon, sewed some crystal buttons onto a new cardigan, tried on lightening earrings, watched random TV, wrote a bit more of a story and craved malt loaf. Also, cannot find nice Blackcurrant sorbet in London - this perturbs me a lot. Oxford, all is forgiven :)
Also - anyone up for/already going to The Bunker on Thursday? I've got some spare leaflets if you're not already going - could be fun :)It's at the Metro, and I'm yet to have a good night at Metro club, but this could be different.
My cat was lonely and came and sat with me today, which was awesome, as she rarely sit in my room. I also want to start making a skirt or something - actually *make* something from scratch. Was thinking of making a cloak, but want something more useful.
Le sigh - if I get bored, I might post The Story Of Doom on here. With Complete tails edits. Wooo!