Sorry for the lack of updates, folks. Getting laid off does some nasty things to your psyche. oO Just posting to let y'all know that, A: I'm alive, B: I have a new job (which I have training for in the morning--ten hours of it, and man am I nervous >>) and C: ...I'm selling stuff! XD
VHS, DVDs, books, some reference material and at least one college
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it's awesome to hear you're still working on DI XD
but it's not awesome that you injured your back. that must be really scarey, financially and emotionally. i hope you'll cope well and that results come out optimistic! aka, i hope you get well soon.
i read some of your past posts about how DI seemed so amature to yourself, especially with writing skill and whatnot. i just wanted to let you know that during the time I had read your story, i thought it was fucking fantastic. your world provided me with hours of literary entertainment that i couldn't find in the library, when i was a teen. i loved the story and i enjoyed the relationship dynamics. you were one of my favorite authors back then and still are. in fact, i remember more of your story than i do of actual published stuff i read back then.
i hope you find a better job as well, and that life isn't treatin' you too hard! best wishes.
It's become my pet-project to rewrite DI entirely, not to change the story, but to sort out the narrator voices and fix a little of my writing from back when I was a kid. God, I'm 22 now? I was 15 when I started that story. I remember when it was my whole life, and I loved it. It's my hope that once I'm at least back to sitting for a while, I'll get to finish redoing the existing chapters, and maybe even finish it someday and get it published, now that I know of some 'yaoi'/m-m publishing's always good to be reminded of those days. And I'm always flattered to hear how much people enjoyed my story. x3
I remember writing that I thought I'd let DI go, back when I was having a typical 'I've outgrown it' spell...but that was completely untrue. DI is my baby, and though it's not perfect, the core ideas in it are great and someday soon I'm going to build it back into what it always should've been. So don't you worry about that. If you've waited this long, then I'll make it worth it. I promise. ^^
As for my, it's been long in coming. >> I started writing in the first place shortly after the initial injury, eleven years ago, simply because I couldn't move and my parent at the time refused to take me to a doctor. So I've been waiting for something like this to happen. I'm applying for Workers' Compensation against my job, so at least financially it should be easy. If it becomes permanent, at the very least, I'll have more time to write...? XD That's what my mother tells me, anyway.
But anyway, thanks for the flashback. It has me feeling better. And it's really nice to hear from you, it's been ages. ^^ I appreciate the poke.
It's good to hear you want to get it published! I really admire your resolve to edit/refine what you've written already (how many chapters is that? nearly 50?? whew). I want to get published myself someday (not within yaoi, but fiction in general), and I've focused in on three stories and wrote the outline for one, but when it comes to actual writing I've realized that I have no motivation to sit for hours unless it's crucial that I churn out a few pages (aka, unless it's a class assignment or something I HAVE to get done). So I'm just really happy to hear that you're still working with DI and that you want to improve it, after so many years. Don't give up!! I hear that in publishing many authors write several manuscripts/edit their books so many times, before they actually go out and try to find a publisher. I don't know how it is with BL/yaoi publishing companies, but I'm sure if you show them your review following on it'll give you an edge.
I'm 22 as well (just turned yesterday)!! Wow we were around the same age when you wrote DI. That's awesome. That back injury, wow. I never would've imagined you started writing DI because of that. I hope rehabilitation/surgery isn't too painful. 11 years, that's a lot...I hope everything turns out well in the end, whether it gets "fixed" or becomes permanent. Anyway, take care.
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