30 Days of Vidding Meme - Day 26

Sep 14, 2011 11:31

Day 26 - What is the oddest (or funnest) thing you've had to do for a vid?

I have three, mostly because they were the oddest vids. Touched (Angel/QAF) jumped out at #1, mostly because it was my first true crossover. I got "Angel into Babylon" Astarte tells me... well Angel/Brian does that need much explaining. Also for a video like that it's hard to find and ending.

#2 Put Darth Vader in a Xander Vid. In a mental breakdown I did a Xander rant vid about all his slash pairings, inspired by my fellow Buffy fan and College Teacher who argued Willow was the most slashed character in the Buffy fandom. How fun was my school that 40% of the teachers were huge Buffy fans? Granted I was in the TV department.

#3 Compare Simon and River (Firefly) to Dexter and Brian (Dexter) [Multi- Those Days We Felt Alive with Astarte]. If incest theme wasn't odd enough already.


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