Feb 02, 2011 17:35
It's really quite remarkable how much easier it can be sometimes to get to know one's neighbours during or in the aftermath of a crisis than it is at any other time.
I went outside this afternoon to clear off my car and shovel it out, figuring that doing it now would be infinitely preferable than trying to do so tomorrow after tonight's promised deep freeze. Got out there and the drifts were hip-high on me (and I've got pretty long legs), but set to work. A little while later, one of the maintenance guys drove up with another guy in the passenger seat; said guy took a look at me working, hopped out, grabbed a shovel, and helped out. Turns out he's my upstairs-upstairs neighbour, and an interesting fellow too-- I'd seen him before taking his dog out in the mornings, but never said more than "hi" at any given point. So we had an interesting conversation as we shoveled. Then he went inside and I walked two cars down to offer to help the young lady there work on hers, as she'd just started-- turns out she lives a block or so away, but is also an interesting person to chat to, and another local fellow gave us a hand until his wife phoned to bring him (and the groceries he'd just bought) home. Finished the young lady's car, then did about half of the stuff behind the maintenance guy's van before my body started sending me unmistakable "enough, already!" signals-- since he'd told me not to worry about it, I figured at least he'd have a little less to do after shoveling other people's walks and stuff all day. All very pleasant and neighbourly, and I enjoyed it, even though I'm tired now.
Funny, though-- neighbours setting to with a will and happy to pitch in to help each other? Dandy. Other people wandering over and asking in a faux-winsome little-girly kind of way, "Oh, would you guys be nice and lend us your shovels when you're done? We don't have ANY, and it'll be so HARD..." when we're in the midst of dealing with the stuff ourselves? Not so much, especially when the plaintive one must've been in her late 20's or so. I suggested politely that they try the local CVS to acquire shovels, since they'll certainly need them this winter.
Nature: Deal Or Do Not Deal. There Is No Room For Faux.
Happily, I have a new crock-pot recipe cooking away, and it smells lovely-- should be just the warm ticket for dinner!