Originally published at
Xandmatt Productions. Please leave any
comments there.
And I'll promise -NEVER- to do that again.
Okay - what's changed? Well the sidebar now is a bit more funky-ish. With the login/logout stuff at the top.
links have been updated.
As well as the return of the
top 20 vs characters.
Don't forget that registering an account allows you to have a nice little 'gravatar' next to your comments,
And don't forget to
have a nose about the forum and try to encourage some posting.
Okay - reviews are coming back. HOWEVER - they won't be the fully detailed multi-part ones from the past - they've be similar to the small paragraphs I used to do back on the old XP invision forum. Small paragraph with a numer. However I might get a bit more detailed now before I go for the all-powerful, all-feared bolded red number XandZ Rating.
Special thanks for Alden C. Caele for giving me said idea.
As for the other writers and reviews...well - Chris - he's busy at the moment. But I hope to have tortured coaxed a profile and picture from him soon.
I'm also considering beginning to expand to cover some TV shows in this as well. Just thinking about it...