30 Wonderful Ways to Become Excellent

Jan 07, 2009 18:41

Become excellent at being Knowledgeable and Wise.
Become excellent at being Creative.
Become excellent at being Curious.
Become excellent at being a Critical Thinker.
Become excellent at being in Love with Learning.
Become excellent at being open to different Perspectives.

Become excellent at being Resilient.
Become excellent at being Brave.
Become excellent at being Persistent.
Become excellent at being well Integrated.
Become excellent at being Zestful.

Become excellent at being Humane.
Become excellent at being Loving.
Become excellent at being Kind and Generous.
Become excellent at being Socially Intelligent.

Become excellent at being Just.
Become excellent at being a good Citizen.
Become excellent at being Fair.
Become excellent at being a good Leader.

Become excellent at being Temperate.
Become excellent at being Forgiving and Merciful.
Become excellent at being Humble and Modest
Become excellent at being Prudent.
Become excellent at being Self-regulated and Self-controlled.

Become excellent at being Transcendent.
Become excellent at being Appreciative of Beauty and Excellence.
Become excellent at being Grateful.
Become excellent at being Hopeful.
Become excellent at being Humorous and Playful.
Become excellent at being Spiritual.

excellence, full thirty, excellent

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