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pretty_dust November 6 2005, 16:24:22 UTC
I don't think you lose honors status by not taking an honors course, do you? And I think you'll really like Dr. Rouhier. She tells fun stories about russian corpses.


xanderor November 6 2005, 19:21:28 UTC
you would think not, and i don't think they ever actually check and take it away from people, but that's the policy, which is dumb. so i asked her if, since i'm an ra, i could take the class in spring 2007 and get my status reinstated? she had no straight answer. just said that, maybe if i had a reason other than not wanting to take a 9 o'clock or not wanting to take wilke. i asked if taking 12 hours of major couses and 4 of a foreign language, that's 16 total, was reason enough. she said, maybe if i had a more rigorous major like architecture and not french, they could see that, but that since my major had flexability that wasn't reason enough. i was very upset and signed up for an honors class anyway. i'll probably end up dropping it though... :(


threnod November 7 2005, 10:27:13 UTC
that sucks... at least you got into the "wild card" section of honors... i mean i haven't heard of anyone worse than wilke (sp?). Regarding your major stuff that sucks to, though I can see there point... some majors off NO flexibility on class schedule... plus a language major is easier if no other reason than the fact that if you're majoring in it, then you've got to be good at it... it takes a lot of natural talent and an affinity for languages to be a language major... thus if you're majoring in it, you're good at it, and if you're good at it, it comes easier to you than say me who is struggling with the concept of reflexive verbs in ita 201... it's still a shitty reason though...


threnod November 7 2005, 10:31:58 UTC
shit, edit: their, not there...


xanderor November 7 2005, 11:24:35 UTC
that logic doesn't work at all. if you're automatically good at whatever you're majoring in, then it follows that every person with a major has an easy major, because they are good at what they're majoring in. however, the fact that, as an english major, you mixed up their and there negates this theory. furthermore, it isn't fair to single out majors. i work damn hard and i refuse to be told that because i don't spend hours on end in a blazing hot studio drawing or sawing or cutting that my major is easier and that i should be able to handle more hours because my major courses are easy. not only is that stupid, it's offensive!


threnod November 8 2005, 11:17:07 UTC
Cheap shot on the grammar bit.

Don't be offended, I'm simply saying you're naturally good at what you do, but that dosn't mean that you don't work hard either. Having a natural talent is simply a requirement (of sorts) for some majors, thus they are easier. I spent 2 and a half years in a major I wasn't good at because I enjoyed the material, for the most part. No, ranking majors isn't fair, but some majors have schedules planned out for your four years that you cannot deviate from. Those majors really do exist outside of


threnod November 8 2005, 11:17:49 UTC
dumbass again, I clicked the wrong button.

Arts and Sciences, was what I was going to conclude that thought with.


xanderor November 8 2005, 13:43:13 UTC
i don't understand why foreign language requires a natural ability to major in it. i was under the impression it just required premajor courses like every other major here. so, do math majors not have to be good at math? do art-studio majors not have to be able to draw? furthermore, there are some majors that have planned curriculum, but none of them have you taking more than 15 hours per semester, which means you could take another class just as logically as I could with 16 hours. i don't mean to be mean, daniel, but you're like the seventh person that's had that opinion and, though i understand what you're trying to say, it's unfair to make it policy.


threnod November 8 2005, 14:31:08 UTC
um actually the ability to learn language requires a specific part of the brain to be more developed than it typically is. Hence why children, who still have developing brains, have an easier time, up to a certain age, learning new languages and older people, such as myself, having never been exposed to other languages, have a more difficult time. And actually my Computer science curriculum required 18 hours a semester, 21 for the first semester of your junior year, and I'm fairly certain that architecture also require something to the effect of 18-21 hours just for your base line courses.


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