Donating Souls

Apr 07, 2005 13:00

I've dressed very simply in order to do what needs to be done. My wardrobe consists of a cotton tunic, white but very faded as I've never dared to use bleach on it. There are darker brown spots of dried blood on it due to my last sacrifice which took place nearly one hundred years ago. My pants are also simple cotton in the same fashion with a cord sewn into them serving as a tie. I've dressed Klaus in something similar, but provided him with leather shoes. There must be nothing artificial with this sacrifice. Anything less than perfect and he won't accept it.

I'd spent the day before collecting bodies and storing them in a cave. Fifty in all, none of them drained completely and I'm positive none of them will wake up... at least until the sacrifice. I warn Klaus to stay back as I easily lift the boulder at the cave's entrance and use telekenisis to move the bodies out into the field that I've chosen. The pikes were already in place from last time and all that remained was for me to fix the broken ones or replace the ones that wouldn't stand up to further torture. I have Klaus watch the bodies as I do so, removing any skeletal remains. Everything has to be pure.

In my mortal years, we had to impale the offender before placing the pike upright. Now, I merely have to wave my hand and they slide on easily. I hear the screams of my victims, my sacrifices, and I'm taken back. Back to when I was known as Vlad Tepes. Now I am Dracula, the son of Vlad II. I remember my brothers and my father and the vengeance I took. Men, women, children. I've grown soft in my older age and tried not to drain or turn children, but this... this had to be perfect.

Once all fifty bodies were in place, which took a bit longer than I thought it would, I moved to the center of the star-shaped pattern. The moon shone brightly into the clearing and illuminated the stone altar. The ceremonial knife was still there, which I knew it would be. No man nor animal will approach this place, as it's tainted with the devil's mark. Kneeling on the ground in front of the altar, I warn Klaus to stay out of the star and then easily slit my left wrist, bleeding onto the stone.

I begin the sacrifice, calling upon Him to take what is rightfully his, the fifty souls that I've stole for him. The bodies around me twitch and I hear some of them try to scream. My own blood flows over the knife, my hand, and the stone. The chill of the night reaches me, but I don't shiver. It's going to happen quickly. I'm glad Klaus listens to me, for this next part will not be easy for him. He can no longer come into the sacrificial star, I know. I see the souls leave their bodies, the twitching stops. All seems silent for a moment, too silent.

Suddenly, the ground in front of the altar cracks open and He appears, a shapeless entity, moving closer to me. I'm numb - this has only happened once before - the first time I asked a favor. Though these sacrifices are usual enough, He rarely appears. He doesn't speak to me, but I know what he wants. I'm lifted off my knees and lain across the altar, the stone freezing against my skin and through the thin cotton. My wrists, one still bleeding, are moved behind my back and bound there. Legs speading involuntarily, I know what is about to happen and I close my eyes. I will not cry.

He is my Father. My Master.

Even though I know he could take me from this mortal coil and pull me into the underworld forever, he won't. I trust Him. I love Him.

My clothing is torn and lays in tatters on the blood-stained grass. He manifests into a man, or man-like creature, I can't tell. I hear movement around the outside of the star and I hope Klaus will not try to interfere. Perhaps it's just the wind. He enters me and there is searing pain followed by a feeling of completeness.

My Father. My Master.

I know that no harm will come to me. I cannot die because he won't allow it. I'm going to move on to greater things, do better things in this existance than become a mere billionare. I'm no longer Alexander Lucard.

There is a release of power and pleasure and I ejaculate - once again involuntarily, over the stone altar. There's a brush of smoke against my cheek and as suddenly as it began, it ended. My wrists are unbound and I fall clumsily off the altar onto the ground, in pain but relaxed. I'm safe once again.

I am his forever.

And I'm happy.
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