Okay, I knew something was up yesterday.
Buffy clued me in today (and when you hear the words "We have to talk"? Yeah, that's never a good sound to hear). Guess the few shreds that are left of the council
got in touch with
Giles, and they're in Slayer Overload right now. Too many to go out and find, too many to train... So they've sent up a flare asking for help.
Buffy's seriously thinking about heading out. Meaning the out of the country kind of out. Not forever, just for a couple months maybe. Not only that, but taking
Dawn with her. Guess they need help in a lot of places, but there's a few that are looking pretty critical right now.
Honestly, my gut reaction? Go where ever they do. But we talked about it, and it didn't make a ton of sense for me to tag along with them, especially since this is a temporary thing. Can't say I like it, though.
I called up Giles after we got back from lunch about all this, and he's right - the whole thing with the multi-slayers? Our fault. Buffy came up with the plan,
Wil made it happen, and we all supported it. And it's nice to think that we had every potential with us when it all went down, but we fully know we didn't. There were lots of potentials out there that weren't sent to us or that Giles didn't find, and lots that the Bringers didn't find, either. Now they all have superpowers and are probably freaked. And we should probably start taking responsibility for what we did, at least by helping these kids out.
Not sure how much I can do with my entire lack of superpowers, but I told Giles I'd help - holding down the fort here or making a run for some other border or whatever. We're gonna talk when I get home from work about this, and then I think we're all sitting down about this whole thing soon.