Halloween...MEME and Update

Nov 01, 2006 00:13

Six Random Facts about me...

1. I am into Graphic Design
2. I'm a total Jedi
3. Im a Freemason
4. I love intelectual Conversations no matter what time it is
5. I have a difficult time finding a gf because of my Masonic Heritage, Freemasonry is a bit part of my life.
6. I love to cook!

now for the update...
I got a postcard in the mail from the casino I had an interview at. They are going to keep my application on file... guess that is that .... meanwhile, I applied at the Nursing Home where my grandmother is in. They need Nurse's aides.. I can do that, I worked in the Hospital for 3 years before.. so I applied...

will write more later..
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