[Podfic] and then came your sweet mouth (+ the spring remix)

Jul 14, 2019 09:55

Rating: Explicit
Length: 00:39:57
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairings: Tyler Seguin/Patrick Sharp
Tags: porn, blowjobs, riding, dirty talk, fantasising, friends with benefits, implied breathplay, real life spouses being mentioned
Summary: When Patrick played for the Blackhawks, tradition was that he got a blowjob if he scored the game winning goal. Segs finds out. A year later, Tyler Seguin shows up at Patrick's house after the trade deadline, ready to be ridden six ways to Sunday. Things don't go as planned.

Podfic of dangercupcake's story & Moves like Jagr's remix.
Notes: Thanks to the two authors for giving blanket permission to podfic.

Second part of the Sizzling Slutty Seguin Summer Series, which will contain several podfics that aren't originally part of a series, but have been collected and put in order by me.

Link: On AO3

This entry was originally posted at https://momo.dreamwidth.org/772238.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

rating: e, momo: podfics, fandom: hockey

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