Rating: Teen
Length: 00:52:34
Pairings: Mitch Marner/Auston Matthews
Tags: secret wedding, Vegas wedding, secret relationship, relationship reveal, non-linear narrative, coming out
Summary: Auston and Mitch get married, and it’s not exactly on a whim, but it’s not the most planned-out wedding in the history of weddings. It’s still kind of perfect, though.
Podfic of lotts’ story.
Notes: For Noxnoctisanima as a gift during the Hockey RPF Multi-Fanworks Exchange 2019.
Thanks to Annapods for running this exchange, and for the inspiration re: cover art.
Also used to complete the squares “Lower Pitch Effect” and “Incorporate Music” on my podfic_bingo card.
Thanks to lotts for giving blanket permission to podfic.
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