Rating: Mature
Length: 00:14:59
Pairings, Characters: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin (background), Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Marc-Andre Fleury, Kris Letang, Brian Dumoulin, various other Pens players
Tags: humor, headcanon, penises, penis sizes
Summary: A chat about Sidney Crosby's anatomy.
Podfic of smollandtoll‘s headcanon
Notes: Thanks to smollandtoll for giving me permission to podfic their headcanons.
Thanks to Toll for suggesting plenty of songs for this podfic, none of which I ended up using XD.
Thanks to Foxy for keeping me company while I (we) swooned over pics of Sid in search of the right one for the cover.
This was recorded for Out of the Auditary 2019. Thanks to thriceandonce for organising it!
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