Title: As soon as one is born, one starts dying.
momotasticRating: PG
Pairings: none, could be read as Johnlock though. If you really wanted to.
Word Count: 622
wiccaqueen and
subtlemagicWarnings: Reichenbach spoilers, mention of suicide
Notes: Title taken from Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV. The plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone and since no one else was going to write this, I simply had to do it myself. Obviously.
Disclaimer: I'm neither Moffat nor Gatiss nor anyone else involved in the creation or writing of Sherlock. I wish I was, but I'm not. Otherwise I'd team up with Gatiss and Freeman to make Johnlock happen in canon. However, I'm not making any money with this, I borrowed the characters and will return them as soon as I'm done playing.
Summary: When John was sixteen, he received a small, black journal for his birthday. These are a few entries throughout time.
As soon as one is born, one starts dying.