Oct 17, 2005 16:02
i wish i could say it's the: Same Shit, Different Day..
but it's not.. what i wouldn't give for it to be... it's completely new shit, that i really dont want to have to endure, and it's completely draining me.. my motivations are shot, i'm beyond tired, and my head is always blurry and aching..
strangely though, i seem to be having WAY more positive enforcement from random people.. people in my class are opening up and talking to me.. out of nowhere.. it's really strange.. for instance.. i have this girl in my anat class that meets 4 times a week, basically everyday.. she's also in my math class which meets twice a week, and i've NEVER talked to her.. then she randomly struck up conversation with me outside of class, and then i spent most of my math's two hours talking to her..
and complete strangers are strangely talking to me and not annoying the piss out of me.. which is really weird..
oh well.. back to work.. only 2 hours left.. fuckin' a