I don't know if you saw
this piece of shit that was published on Marie Claire's site, by a shitty writer called
Maura Kelly?
It made me disgusted by her words, offended. People always have the idea that when you're fat, you're sick, that you'll drop dead because of a heart attack because your arteries are clogged with fat and that in order to be healthy, you need to be thin. Or, that you're just a lazy person who doesn't want to exercize, who eats all the time and probably spend all your time sat at a table, eating everything that cross your way.
I am tired of these stereotypes, I am tired of this hidden phobia where they simpy can't accept how people are, how their shapes are a big influence on their personality and skills.
I've dealed with this my whole life: from my mom, who used to be super thin and got fat after having her 3rd child, due to hormonal changes, she doesn't understand that I feel okay with my image, that I simply don't see anything wrong with me. When I was 10, she put me on a diet that didn't do anything for me at that time but it showed its results when I was 15: from 15 to 17, I was thin, developed anorexia nervosa (nothing would stay in my stomach, I never forced the vomit), fucked up my stomach/esophagus to the point where I had a huge lesion that some doctors mistaken for cancer. I was 16.
We shouldn't deal with this stuff, no one should. I know that parents want us to be healthy and okay, but my mom's frustrations were something that I always had to deal with and somehow, her experience had a positive effect on me: I started to love me more, accept me the way I am.
Maura Kelly said that fat people should exercize. I was on swimming team, handball team and for a while, on basketball team. Even being fat, I won competitions, I could run like a motherfucker and god, I was an excellent swimmer. FAT. WITH CURVES. HAPPY. CONFIDENT WITH MY BODY AND SHAPE.
People started to criticize my choices when I left high school - of course, back in HS there was a "you're fat!" crowd, but I never paid attention to them, but when I was an adult, things got more complicated: i started to deal with doctors by my own and they were always saying how risky it was for me to keep fat, how that was going to kill me or anything else and when you try to argument, saying that you're healthy, they use those researches to prove you're wrong, to say that when you're 30, you'll have diabetes and the changes of a heart attack will increase. A doctor had a nerve to tell me that I was standing up against society in the wrong way!
I am not standing against society by being fat. I do bloodworks constantly, yes, I have health problems that AREN'T related to my shape, but my cholesterol levels are normal, I don't have high bloodpressure, so, what's wrong with me? Being a happy fat woman? My mom, the skinny Zuleika, by the age of 18 and weighing 43kg had high blood pressure. My mom, weighing 60kg, still not fat, developed hormonal problems. Now, she weighs 110kg and has diabetes, BECAUSE OF HER AGE. She tells me that she still dreams with her being thin, she doesn't accept herself the way she is - in fact, she hates her appearance.
It doesn't happen only with girls - my 22 years old brother loves to eat, is fat and proud of it. His girlfriend, who's with him for 9 years, loves him the way he is. People keep telling him that he needs to drop some wight and he doesn't care about it.
It makes me mad when people preach about how is wrong to be fat, how we are disgusting and how they're offended by us, making out on TV. We're real. people exist in all shapes and forms, thin, mignon and fat.
Deal with it.