And the skirt, it goes SWISH!

Nov 02, 2007 10:35


Post this morning. I was very excited cos I had a pink parcel. Hehehehehe. In the pink parcel was a pretty Monsoon skirt - white with black detailing. Verrrrrrrrrry pretty. And I had a FatFace parcel as well, with a pretty purple top.

The joy of EBay clothing. Mwahahahaha. Pretty nice new clothes. At pretty nice SMALL prices.

*bounces happily*

And now I am on hold, awaiting the chance to growl at someone because I am going to Oxford tomorrow & have no train tickets. Rar.

In other news, the streptococci don't seem interested in shifting & I'm not feeling better, so I think I'll have to be going back to the doctor. Pah & bah & gah, frankly.

This on hold music is possibly the most irritating I have ever encountered. Well, muzak. *stabby gestures*

Argh. People parroting scripted crap at me. And when I say I've not received the tickets, asking if today's post has come *headdesk* "no, it's not, I enjoy dealing with mindless call-centre workers so much I just couldn't wait". And the person blatantly had no clue what they need to do about replacement tickets. And then said "you can collect the tickets any time before departure but please be there at least twenty minutes before departure". I had to ask where to collect the tickets from. *has small stompy woe explosion*

post, stupid people, ebay, spurny body

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