I lead a thrilling life I do. Honest. This morning I wrote cards to go with presents-to-be-posted and then had immense amounts of fun attempting to package the gifts up. Next year I am so sending everyone book tokens or something. After this I went forth to the Post Office, which was, presumably for comedy value, full of people queueing in two different directions. Oh how we laughed. There was an awful lot of disgruntled tutting going on, and hard-staring at anyone who looked like they might be going to even consider attempting to queue-jump. I am sure one old man actually said "I didn't fight in the war to queue in the Post Office like this just because it's Christmas", but that might be my imagination running away with me a little. But only a very little.
Sainsbury's was also full of people. Ish. Well, for a Tuesday. I bought an awful lot of very heavy things and made my shoulders go clunk in a quite impressive style. As my arms did not actually fall off, I am not too concerned about this. Keine Panik, as one of my rather mad German teachers used to say. A lot. I have the Christmas Edition of the Radio Times, which makes me ridiculously excited, in a slight leaping fashion. I also have pretend ice-cream, which might be more understandably exciting. Mmm.
Have made up a bed for Jennie who is staying here tonight as it is rather easier for her to get to here from Twickenham than it is for her to get home. Am going to assume she will not mind pale blue bedlinen with bunnies on, which was the joy and delight of my little heart when I was about six or seven or something. La la tra.
In other news, my birthday parcel from
nicolap appeared today. We are not sure quite what happened there, but at least it has appeared and was not eaten by a monster as was starting to look very possible. A rather splendid monkey (actually, must be an ape as it has no tail) with a) a beard and b) rainbow stripy legwarmers is now hanging on my bedroom doorhandle. It is splendacious, thank you Nicola.
Hospital this afternoon, as the fun simply never stops. Must find some shorts to take with me. Possibly, on reflection, over-the-knee socks were not the most sensible choice for today. But such is life.