When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off sounding like Sunday...

Oct 18, 2006 12:42

Today has been reasonably productive. Although there was some accidental-shopping. La...

I went to Blackheath, mostly to visit Ryman's to get stationery-things for the 4 session I am doing on Friday...

First of all I spent a very long time in a very long queue in the Post Office. Happily, the woman behind me was providing everyone with an update on her life & her thoughts on society, so at least I was not bored... My parcel safely posted I then drifted through the Village (or more importantly, various of the shops) up to Oxfam. Where four books LEAPT at me. I was forced to buy them. Forced, I tell you. Yes... I almost bought chocolate, as there was a rather scrummy-looking mint-crisp style bar, but then my shopping conscience intervened.

Clearly my shopping conscience then leapt off across the heath with Giraffe (to examine the circus tents more closely) as I then went to the card shop & bought cards & into Fat Face & bought a t-shirt. It is very pretty. And it was reduced to £12.50... *strokes the pretty t-shirt*

I then went to Ryman's and bought flipchart paper and pens and some exciting post-it notes (I do love spending other people's money) and then larked on to Cost Cutter where the man on the till looked at me like I was a right weirdy one as I bought a wide variety & impressive quantity of sweeties. Also for the 4 session, but obviously he did not know this... I was slightly tempted to explain...

The post arrived shortly after I came home, including a letter I had sent to Katharine yesterday. Obviously the bit where the stamp was on the other side of the letter & it said "from" in great big letters above my name & address was a subtlety too far for the people at Nine Elms. So I gave the letter back to my (very apologetic) postman and then devoted myself to cooing over "The Girl Guide Book of Recreation" which appeared in the same bundle of letters. Huzzah.

Lloyds are apparently still having difficulties with elementary biology so I may be going to have to send them some flashcards (I should get a phonecall this afternoon, apparently... sounds familiar...). No flashcards needed (thus far) for the people at IdentiKids who are in charge of making wristbands for the Brownie Trip to Legoland. These have now been ordered and paid for (£23.50 inc VAT for 50 bands) and will definitely be with us by the date of the trip... Huzzah.

Having had a pretend-bacon sandwich for lunch, I am in a position to inform you all that Tesco's fake-bacon is very scrummy. That is all...

post, shopping, 4, books, food

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