Here I am, in my jamas, in the Poirot Flat. Mwahaha.
It should be illegal to have to get up on Saturday mornings. However, as there is not currently any such legislation in this country, yesterday I was off to CHQ le matin. The morning was spent finalising plans for Ignition (which is at the end of this month) and learning about Project Switch from Suzie. When I get home I shall need to type up and send out the minutes of our meeting, but I think they were reasonably legible, so that shouldn't present too much of a problem... L'apres-midi the Ignition Team joined the Senior Section Advisors, and we discussed 4 (my favouritest subject, but I may have managed to set up another session on binge-drinking & for a fair few participants, so huzzah) and then Ignition. After this I went and bought 64 Brownie Badges in the shop. There was an abortive attempt to do this at lunchtime, but half of the Guiding world was in there and the queue snaked right round the shop...
Post-meetingage I bopped to Waterloo and thence to the PF, where I kitchen-minioned for la Squeen as she made spinch risotto. Then there was raspberry ice-cream-for-freaks and the watching of "Robin Hood" which is truly bizarre & highly mock-worthy. *giggles* But then there was Waiting For God which was splendacious. *bounces* When I am old, I wish to be like Diana Trent. In fact, I suspect I just *will* be, so it is a good thing I am happy about this idea.
Today I have been watching the second series of WFG. And have discovered that coco-pops and summer berries crunchy-nut clusters make a surprisingly scrummy combination. There has also bee much coveting of the "Alice in Wonderland" bowls - especially the pink bowl with Alice and the Dormouse, from which I ate my risotto last night. It is so fine. So very fine.