Huzzah! Huzzah! *excited bouncing*
A jumper and a skirt from E-Bay both arrived today and are both fab & marvy & indeed g-roovy (as Libby would say...) The jumper is lilac, with (light) purple cuffs & collar & hem & with little buttons. The skirt is dark green (fine) cord, and long, and it flares at the bottom so it is all swishy. Swish-swish-swish. Clothing fineness INDEED.
I have done a dark wash (attempt one at shrinking the giant Guider jumper) which is going to have the weekend to dry; and I have read the book on Russian folk beliefs & returned it to the UL with its little pals. I have also been into town and collected the missing salbutamol inhaler. I am faintly amused by the fact it says "Thank you for your prescription. If you need more explanation, please ask." on one of the labels on the little bag... I am ALMOST packed, but as I do not need to leave college until around five, I am not overly worried by this needing finishing. *nods* I need to sort out which book is coming with me & which notebook etc & put my packed tea into a bag, but that is about it.
As well as general-larking-fun being a GOOD thing, I am quite glad to be away this weekend, as I discovered, as I bopped merrily into the P'lodge just now, that this weekend is Commemoration weekend, so the eldery mad (also known as invited alumni) will be out in force.
Friday 31st March & Saturday 1st of April 2006
Special invitations were sent to reunion years groups (1956, 1981 and 1996 in December). If you have not received your invitation please contact the Roll Office.
Friday, 31st March
6.30pm Pre-dinner drinks for Dinner Guests in the Principal's Lodge
7.30pm Commemoration Dinner in the Jane Harrison Room for 1956 year group. Speaker: Dr June Crown CBE
Saturday, 1st April
12.00pm Drinks in College (pay) Bar
1.00pm Lunch in the Temporary Buttery
2.30pm Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Roll followed by Commem Forum. Speaker: Dr Gill Sutherland
4.00pm Afternoon Tea in the Temporary Buttery
4.30pm Garden Tour by Head Gardener
4.30pm-5.30pm Library open to visitors
6.30pm Pre-dinner drinks for Dinner Guests in the Principal's Lodge
7.30pm Commemoration Dinner in the Jane Harrison Room for 1981 & 1996 year groups. Speaker: Ms Caroline Kerr
I find things like this, and the Alumni weekends held in September, always make me feel faintly wibbly. It's like a reminder of one's mortality & how doubtless the years will flash by and I shall be one of the elderly mad (probably wearing purple...) wandering through the gardens and commenting on the buildings and being all reminiscy. I hope I'll have achieved that wonderful sense of "la la la I sang in the chapels at Trinity and Kings, and I went punting, and lay about in the gardens, and I had such pretty rooms, and in my first year there was the netball captaincy and wasn't everything fun and jolly" etc. Less with the "there was so much work... always, the work... work-work-work... meep".
But yes, less with the "argh woe change - change BAD - meep" and back to the joyful "huzzah for the weekend!" because that is much more fun. And then après le weekend, I shall be packing up my room & returning to London. It will be an exciting week, for there is to be Giraffe-lunch avec Liss and Marie, and Brighton with the Rosy-Jess, and if I am not too exhausted, socialising with the Lizzi. Yay. And of course NEXT weekend there is further larkiness scheduled. And I'm not thinking about having my tonsils out on the Monday after because it is not exactly in keeping with the larky-fun-jollity, so I shall just ignore it as far as possible & until the last possible moment. Yes.