Based on Popular Demand...

Feb 03, 2008 15:25

Okay, I posted my thing about the books a few minutes ago. I explained the whole process and whined about my lack of photographic skills for carrying out the mission and said I was scrambling and clawing my way toward a solution.

Well, that wasn't good enough! With-in mere seconds, marstokyo ***AND*** niyabinghi had BOTH lodged complaints. Good grief!!! There's no pleasing these women. So, okay, okay, here's a 'better' photo that will, hopefully, comply with their demands. :-)

The volumes on the left are "The Complete Plays of Moliere". Then, two volumes of Feydeau (complete plays), then, the complete plays of Alan Ayckbourne (two volumes), "Three Plays" by Ibsen, Shaw's plays, two volumes of Mamet's plays, "Four Films of Woody Allen" and a biography of Allen.

Okay, ladies, NOW are you happy? :-)

PS: Now, after several dozen complaints (oddly enough, from only TWO folks, and I'm sure you can't guess who they are), here is a doctored photo that, I hope serves two purposes:

1) It will better serve the meme project and let my friends read it more clearly;
2) It will soothe the savage souls of... Well, I won't mention two names here. :-)

PPS: Here's yet ANOTHER try. :-) In "preview" it doesn't look any different.

I'm thinking I'll just have to photograph each book, one at a time. Ladies, let me know if that's what I have to do because i'd better get started. :-)


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