Right, so.
In Xanadu, there's this garden - quiet, a little apart from the daily grind of the rest of the city. It's a memorial garden and as such it has its fair share of statues, some notable and some less so. The name of one of these reads
Gates Enfys Keel Eddings above a simple inscription and two dates, and this isn't the way Enfys imagined
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These coincidences are much more fun when they happen to other people.
...he probably didn't expect that.
"Right," she says, after a moment, nonplussed. "Wrong irritable wee bastard, got you. If you were married to her as well, mate, I'm tossing you back right now."
"Enfys," she says, droll. "Enfys Llewelyn." New, improved, even more Welsh.
"In Taxon," she supplies - it was a while ago, now, and it's a little disconcerting sometimes when she thinks about all the things she's done since then. All the little ways her life has changed, and how many of those changes have to do with the time she spent there. (And the time she didn't; the Bruce she lives with now is a different man to the Bruce she lived with then, in a more mundane and more important way than this.)
"I gave you - him - a crash course in technology and dumped him in wolf territory so I'd know he was looked after." She'd liked Mordred almost immediately, of course; she hadn't seen him much after that, more's the pity. "Sulky little baby man."
She sounds very fond.
"Often enough." She works through Xanadu, which accounts for it; Gotham's no good for her particular professional skillset (the one she didn't go to uni for), and even if it were, it's not her territory. "I know my way around, put it that way. This is new, mind."
"Right, fuck only knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men." That's not the quote, and that's not exactly relevant unless you presume (as Enfys is willing to, actually) that this statue was somehow placed here nefariously.
Her sudden accusatory finger-point is directly under his nose.
"Excuse you, midget prick! It was you!"
"Giant fucking hamsters?"
...look, he can be forgiven for finding this sort of an out of no where explosion of accusations about small furry animals whose natural habitat is the heads of select American college students.
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