welcome :: open post

Feb 26, 2010 16:29

From above, Xanadu is a mottled patchwork of districts and buildings sprawled out in a deep valley, bisected by the Gihon river. Cobblestone and asphalt wind around medieval taverns, Roman feasting halls, and through the Street of the Gods, leading into parks and a whole city block, recently arrived from Yedor, filled with buildings carved from crystal.

Tonight, like every night, the carnival is open, and like the rest of Xanadu, it's a mix of times, places, and realities. What do you want? A candy apple? A merry-go-round? More than slightly dubious meat(?) snacks on a stick? Go forth, mingle, and see who's arrived.

(( OOC Meet&Greet))

*oc, *dc, *rvb, } carnival, *whoverse, *d&d, *supernatural

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