The smell of cheap whiskey and the sound of goodbye (open)

Jan 30, 2011 20:00

Raylan's had a busy few weeks. Nothing very far out of the ordinary, just a lot of prisoners to transport, officials to protect, and even one fugitive to track down. He prefers work to a lack of it, to the surprise of no one who knows him, but it's meant he hasn't been in Xanadu terribly recently. Of course, there's only one person there, to his knowledge, who'd actively miss him, but he didn't want her to feel like he was out of reach, after agreeing to help her.

He's not searching for her so much as idly wandering with an eye out, in case she's there. In the meantime, he may watch a carnival game or two, window shop at the Agora, or just people watch by the road.

Almost inevitably, though, he'll eventually end up at Stigmata.

*dc, } stigmata, *justified

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