The question-and-answer aspect of the nexus has always entertained Martel - mostly because he's a sick bastard who enjoys other people making idiots of themselves now and then - but it's been a very rare occasion that he'd indulge himself, and rarer still that he'd indulge it stone cold sober.
He'd like very much not to be stone cold sober, actually; the pain of his healing back is worse when he refuses to take anything for it, but back at Valdis there's a girl whose mind he's recently performed rather significant sorcery on, and he'd rather like to have a clear head for the next week or so until he's absolutely sure nothing's gone wrong and he's not going to have to go in again and fix something.
Ewar is watching her, for now, and Martel has run out of paperwork - the problem with being on top of your work is that when you're suddenly confined to your desk, you don't have as much piled up to get on with - so he's
here, and slightly irritable. (Is that unusual for him? No.)
"Define redemption versus reform; which is the more valuable?"
...this is something he's already answered for himself (if you think he'd bring a question like that to the unwashed masses for advice, you have obviously not met Martel and this is going to be a very trying day for you), but he feels the purpose of these questions has always been more about discussion and less about resolution.