Post Office: Service without a smile

Jul 31, 2010 10:25

No one could ever accuse Violet Knight of not having great pride in her place of work.  Well, technically, it is also her home, but in her living quarters, one may find a sweater tossed haphazardly on the settee, or one mug (probably in use) sitting somewhere without a coaster.  No one would ever see such disarray in the Post Office. To say the post office shines would be an understatement.  Forget eating off the floor, one could perform surgery, leaving the instruments scattered around, and not risk the patient.

The sanitation station (when one enters the post office, look to the left and it can't missed) is kitted out with hand sanitizers, paper towels, and moist towelettes.  There is a garbage can on either side of the small table.  Thus, if a patron's garbage doesn't make it into one of them, the postmistress will take it as a personal insult.  It would not be wise to personally insult the postmistress.  She keeps a lot of junk mail out of a lot of boxes, and she's not afraid to wield said junk mail as a punishment.

The mail is sorted, and Violet's as prepared as she can be to deal with the onslaught of customers (to be honest, her definition of onslaught is a customer).  Standing perfectly straight, Violet unlocks the door, but does not look outside or tell anyone they can come in.  If a patron is too stupid to try the door handle to see if it is unlocked, she sure as hell doesn't want to deal with them.

Stepping behind the counter, she takes a sip of her coffee, and places the mug on a coaster, just out of the reach of any customers.  The last thing she does is stick a sign to the front of the counter reading: The Xanadu Post Office does not deliver live items.  If you are expecting the delivery of a live squid, it has since become calamari.

*arthuriana, *oc, *kings, *eddings, } xanapost, *buffyverse, *potterverse

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