Mar 25, 2007 22:30
I went to the ballet the other day and they informed me that we will be having a pretty huge performance on April 21st at the Newman Theatre. There presenting alot of really cool stuff like this modern piece that I should be in, but i'm not. But that's the least of what's goin down.
We are doing excerps from the "real" Beauty in the Beast not the Disney/brlt/High School/cardboard version. For all you disney mavens out there, the Beast turns into a Tiger in the ballet version. And I am the Beast in this version. I get to wear this kick ass costume among many other cool things. But it doesnt end there.....
We are doing this really cool Beatles ballet where I am Father Mackenzie in Elenor Rigby, the Postman in Hey. Mr. Postman, the Judge in Maxwells Silver Hammer, among many other cool roles in Beatles classics. I have this great dramtic death scene as the judge in Maxwell's. It would make Jane Brody proud.....
I have also been informed that because of my performance on the last Accounting test that I will be considered for the CPA program at UNO....which is nice...
So.......April 21st......if anyone wants to come let me know!