Title: Drabble - 2 time Yamada got ignored due to iPhone games and one time he snapped
xamuletheartxPairing: Yamada Ryosuke x Yamada Rio
Genre: Fluff? and failed humour?
One time the phone won:
Yamada gave of dis-pleased sighs as he looked at his girlfriend who he supposedly haven't seen in ages, playing her "addicting" game called temple run. A cry of frustration was heard coming from the other side of the room, he noticed that Rio seemed to give up and urge himself to call out to his girlfriend.
"Rio...Can we please go somewhere?" said Yamada with a hint of desperation in his voice "You've been playing with your phone since this morning!"
"Hold on Yama-chan" said Rio without looking at her boyfriend who in turn wanted to smash her phone into the oblivion when he heard another sound of a monkey.
"But Rio...You're only going to me see for a bit and you're on your phone" pouted Yamada
Rio finally looking up saw instead of the usual cool Yamada Ryosuke was one pouting face that seemed to imitate a kicked puppy making Rio feel bad and put her phone down.
Setting down her phone in the table and completely forgetting about as to why she was playing Temple Run in the first place walked toward her abandoned puppy.
"Awwww does widdle Ryo-chan wants to play?" cooed Rio
"about time" smirked Yamada as he pulled Rio next to him, and when he finally thought he'd have Rio to himself he thought wrong. A shout of joy was heard and the door opened revealing a smiling Amu.
"Rio! I bet you can't win against 6,000,00" boasted Amu
"Hell yeah I can" said Rio standing up completely forgetting about Yamada and was completely absorbed into Amu's challenged. Yamada cried in frustration before giving up and walking out leaving the two girls alone.
The second time the phone won:
Peace and quiet was to be heard in the place, Yamada just got back from rehearsals and he couldn't wait to snuggle up to Rio who he found huddled up in bed. Approaching the small figure in bed he gave a sigh of relief that he wasn't playing that evil game anymore that was until he heard Rio laugh, and burst out dancing the victory dance.
Once again Yamada sighed as Rio was on skype with Amu who was challenging his girlfriend once more.
He got to do something about Amu soon.
+Yamada danced happily as he finally had Rio's full attention, and when he thought it was all good Rio's phone vibrated and the once smiling face of Rio turned into a smirk and then left Yamada to sit on the opposite end and opening the godforsaken game.
"Rio...!" exclaimed Yamada
"One minute! This girl just can't beat me!!" shouted Rio
'SNAP' that was it, his last nerve breaking. Standing up and walking out of the room in conquest to find the one thing that'll keep that girl away from Rio. Stopping where he can hear a drum and a guitar he blasted the door open and violently dragged the Engrish boy out.
"Do something about your girlfriend!" said Yamada "I want my time with Rio and not playing temple run!"
Nodding Keito quickly separated from Yamada to find his small girlfriend laughing in the room and muttering about winning over Rio.
"Amu...you and me are going somewhere" said Keito as she pulled the struggling Amu away from her abused phone.
Back to Rio she wondered as to why there was no text from Amu about her winning.
"Amu's not going to text back...She's busy" said Yamada
"Eh! But.." before she could protest Yamada had already silenced her by placing his lips on her own ones.
"You and me are having our alone time now" smirked Yamada as he pulled Rio with him, not letting her have any choice but just to follow and nod her head