..oh man i'm a fucking loser..

Jan 10, 2005 11:46

I just saw a girl I went to high school with. I hadn't seen her since sophomore year.

She came up and was like "Remember me?" and I was like "Yeah! Amy Coalter!" and she goes "Yeah, but it's not Coalter anymore". It turns out she got married like two years ago, and is 6 months pregnant, and is going to work and school...

So yeah I now feel like a loser, b/c I stopped going to school so I could work more, b/c I wasn't making enough money doing both.

I've been running into more and more people from high school lately. It's kinda depressing sometimes, b/c they are all about to graduate for the most part, or like a year away from it. And I'm like "well I'm working.....and umm playing in a band". Yeah, total failure. Oh well. Such is life.

Bring yourselves down to this sweeeeet show! We will have our new shirts and new CD for you guys! You know you want it!

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