Shae: so who you dating now? Sean: no one! Shae: nu unh! Sean: why? Shae: her hair is way too neat! Sean: haha Sean: You should have seen it Saturday Sean: it was even better
my stepmom loves to tell the story of watching my (at the time) bachelor dad put my hair in pigtails before school per my request...adn there were like 3 hairs sticking out of each rubber band ^-^
When my mom was in Saudi, my dad didn't know what to do with mine and my sister's hair. He would get it wet, slick it back with half a tub of gel, and put it in the world's tightest pony tail (tm).
To this day I can't stand having my hair in a pony tail.
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To this day I can't stand having my hair in a pony tail.
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