Aug 07, 2012 05:56
today I woke up at 3 pm, went to the town coffee shop where i worked up two pages from loosey goose blueline sketches to workable pencils. I talked about hardcore with some rando fellow 90's hardcore kid (and my kid, I mean a man in his mid 30's, like me) who happens to live in my mom's town.( I don't know why anyone would choose to do this...) then I came back to my mom's apartment, ate a food and inked with a #3 windsor newton until the sun started coming up...
most of the heavy lifting of 2 pages in a day....If i keep that pace for 7 more days I'll be at the end of this comic...
(i'd still have a lot of finishing up/polishing/corrections...but still.)
That's the goal. now to sleep and to kill 2 new pages tomorrow.