ive only been up for an hour and a half

Apr 18, 2007 08:50

and i am completely annoyed.

i am not allowed to sleep past 7... baibee will bite my feet.. lick my fast and walk all over my body.

i hate how its ice cold right when you get up.

I hate howi can never look good. i feel like shit. i hate looking in the mirror.

The girl outside with the blower needs to relax. Shes so loud.. inconsistant.. and ses blowing up dirt for all to breath in.

Its raining outside. why does it always have to rain in kzoo.

I hate being here in kzoo on top of it. theres shit to do unless you want to party. I hate hanging out with no one all damn day. frankly i would love for piss to call me because were both bored and just go to random shit. i hate having no one to hang out with.. as if im not lonely enough.

being pregnant blows right now. nothing fits.. i look sick.. like literally sick, and im supposed to be "glowing" right now. I hate always eating, always starving.. i hate how i feel when i walk.. how it takes me 4 mins to get up or sit down. my backpains have tripled. I get ANNOYED easy, an di have an opinion about everything. Sorry if your offended by my opinions.. i guess just dont listen to them, ignore them. Sorry derek especially. lol i had an opinion about everthing last night.

Why must ppl write stuff on the cement. yea i understand its.. national bubble gum day.. or save the nacho cheese day.. but can you space it out every 10 steps instead of 2.

8am classes..exams..finals.. those are what annoys me.

being away from derek. yeah he may piss me off.. but i cant stay mad at him for more than a day.. if that. were in love.. well never break up.. never want someone else.. but it sucks being so far away from him.. not being able to talk to him.. people may think whatever they want about our relationship, but i can garentee yours isnt better.. or any different. so stop judging. thanks.

i need a new purse.. this one bugs me. alot.

im sick of my appartment.. like it makes me sick. i wish tehre were funature.. or like.. it looked nice. my house better turn out better... meanng DEREK you can pay for all the furnature. im done buying everything for a house. lol

i hate how i never have the energy to clean my room.. its sick. baibees more of a pig than i am.

everything about work annoys me.. and even so i hate leaving there in 2 weeks =(

western parking is ridiculous.

myspace viruses annoy me too. get it together.

when ppl chew loud.. or chomp on gum, i litterally wanna smack the hell out of them.

my family annoys me. oh.. change my plans around because you scheduled the party on the same day as mne? oh ok.. ill call of the reservations.. tell 3 of my friends that are coming in out of town to change their plans.. When will one day ever be just about me? never? i highly doubt even on my wedding day it will beabout me.

my mom. period.

ok im done because even me being annoyed, annoys me... everythng bugs me.. not stuffthat people get annoyed about everyday like an agument or if someone is stupid.. nope.. doesnt bug me.. it doesnt even affect me if ppl talk shit behind my back. i get annoyed bythe smell of water.. or cracks in the pavement.
when is this part going to be over? lol
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