May 16, 2006 09:40
Well done with school....:exhale: However, I did not do as well I I had hoped. Still have HOPE so thats the best I could do. I really need to focus more. I need to give up more weekends to study. So that's why this summer needs to HELP my GPA. I need two As and that will take a lot of effort.
Our roommate moves in this weekend :( I'm kinda worried about living with another guy. I've been through this before, so I have a feel for this.
I'm off today....don't know what to do. Everyone works so I may play martha stewart and paint more of the apartment. Our living room is dark green, our hallway is tabacco tan, and my bedroom is love red<3
We leave in 10 days for Tybee...I CANNOT WAIT! DRINK IN HAND! I need another book. Maybe thats what I will do..go lounge in the bookstore for awhile.
wow i'm watching the news and it seems the contact lense solution greg and I use causes infections...FUCK