(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 10:08

school is over in just over two weeks. I have finals the first week of May the 2-6th ya even on a Saturday.
My school is retared were changing our grade scale to include + and -. So a B- will be a 2.70, jesus titty fucking christ this is STUPID! It will hinder the slackers and keep the nerds where they are. I thought it should be like this
B+ 3.75
B 3.5
B- 3

but i'm just one of those people who are always studying and work so I could use some help you jerks....ok I feel better.

Speaking of school, I have my last Stat exam in a few hours and better get off here

Summer is going to be great. I'm taking two classes Consumer buying behavior and Human Resources. I will be at school ALL day TUES/THURS from 1-9 just for those two and a huge break for napping inthe sun on the roof or studying.....le sigh

BIG BIG BIG PARTY THIS SATURDAY...if you can read this your invited....it would be nice to see old faces
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