tears aren't enough anymore

Mar 26, 2006 23:37

me to myself

what a day! i dont think its ever been this bad. started out great. we woke up laughing and making fun of eachother. we went to IKEA and picked out hopeful purchases in the months to come. i was starved, so we ate at the cafeteria..it was aight. then off to gregs parents. i love going over there. i've been too busy to visit in the past weeks, so this was the first time i've been by in awhile. everything is always perfect when we go over there. we do something together and than eat an amazing meal...it couldn't be better. today we took Joe's new 2006 black convertable cupe Toyota Solara. than followed by me getting into it with my parents about 3 hours later. it was awesome, let me tell you. they have no plans, just faith in "god", and other family members. things couldn't be worse actually...i should make this private, but i really don't give a fuck.
learn from your mistakes and make sure you dont repeat the mistakes made in the past. if you dont learn from the past than your doomed to repeat it...i said more than i should have and now i may have made things worse. i'm going to stop talking to my parents for a little while. i don't think i'm helping anything along, well other than turning things inside out and outside in..greg's out with our friends and i'm suppost to be sleeping..sounds good actually....i work at 7am....thank god for raspberry smoothies and my nano

p.s. Tamera i will give you my address after we sign the lease and i know it!!
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