Of course I just had to make a Junhyung icon before I made this post. How could I not have had a Junhyung icon in the first place?! Tsk tsk.
My Junnie feels are back up again, and that's pretty much because I watched the first episode of Monstar tonight :D IT IS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT ALREADY. I find Jun's acting so enthralling~ And I love how the supporting characters have background stories too, and I'm looking forward to the next episodes so that I can better understand their roles in the whole thing :) Of course I'm also looking forward to seeing the four BtoB members in the drama :) Min Seyi is quite a character; she's so interesting and I NEED to know what is up between her and her mom! Seolchan's childhood story too~ The flashback with the mom leaving young Seolchan completely broke my heart T^T
I think new episodes are out every Friday? I can't wait for ep 2 to come out and be subbed!
So yeah, that's the main reason why Junhyung is all over my feels at the moment. I've always had this weird sort of crush on Junhyung LOL. In that I-can't-love-you-too-much-because-I-can't-betray-Seobie sort of way, but come on. YONG. JUN. HYUNG. Gorgeous multitalented man whose smirk and smile are both so heart-wrenching in a beautiful, happy way. lol I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore~