My weekend was quite lovely~ :) We took an overnight stay at my dad's family's province, which we go to every year with my cousins and relatives. We went swimming, the second time for me this summer, so my arms and legs are tanned and I really need to get a bottle of effective whitening lotion~ I actually missed having a road trip with my family, even though my brothers and I just sleep for 75% of the time, fighting for space in the backseat. Also, we never grew out of the habit of bringing pillows when we go on road trips. And I mean the big pillows we have on our beds. And that's one per person. XD
As for the coming days, my week is pretty packed. Tomorrow I'm going out with a friend, on what we've dubbed as our TuesDate (har har so witty). On Wednesday I need to go to school for enrollment. Thursday is me momma's birthday and I blocked off that day from anyone else just because. :) Friday afternoon I'm meeting up with an old friend somewhere close by. So my plans this week are nothing big or spectacular. It's mostly just spending time with family and friends, plus attending to official school bizniz, like on Wednesday.
So today was my only free day, which I so contentedly spent here in my bedroom, in front of my laptop, on a Suits season 2 marathon. :D I reached up to episode 10, which had such a cliffhanger ending for the Mike and Rachel situation, and I can't wait to get back to the show, starting with episode 11 maybe tomorrow. The only thing I find difficult nowadays is because I'm continuously watching my shows, I end up having to wait for new episodes, as in the case of Psych and Supernatural. They both air in the US on Wednesdays, meaning I need to wait for Thursday here just to find streaming links. Oh the consequence of lots of free time plus total love for a TV show, lol!
To think, in three week's time, it'll be my first day of school already. My university starts a few weeks earlier, compared to others, because we have a different system/schedule, but I have nothing to complain about. I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. By then I'll be staying at a condo unit with two high school friends, but I'll try to post here to mark the event, even if it's just for my sake. :)
As for now, I'm not sure how to spend the rest of my evening. I'll probably go read a book :) But I shall leave this post with a photo of Nam Woohyun that I never closed from my web browser since I found it this morning XD
All the feels I get just by seeing him cooking~ ♥