First thing's first, congratulations to INFINITE for their very first win for Man in Love, today on SBS Inkigayo! :D I'm glad the Korean Inspirits shower them with endless support--I'm so tired of the international Kpop fans expressing how much they don't like the song or the concept or whatevs. CONGRATS, EENPINITEU! I can just imagine Beast singing it in my head, "Conglatulation, conglatulation, conglatulation, lation, lation, lation" like on their 3rd Anniversary Livestream XD
So anyway, I've been a bit more active on the No Limit Infinite forums, mainly because it's summer break and the internet makes me very bored, and I posted a question, asking the community members which Infinite music video is their favorite one. My all-time favorite video is definitely Come Back Again, their very first one :D Even the song, to be honest. No matter how catchy and award-winning their recent songs are, Dashi Dorawa just makes me want to sing and dance and laugh and cry each time I hear it. (cue hormonal Inspirit moment~)
I've rewatched a couple of times today, and while I sort of understood the concept of the video since 2010, seeing it again led me to take each scene literally and make up a new interpretation for it. XD
So here's the video:
Click to view
And here's how I thought of it:
Skipping the opening choreography, we move on to the scenes of each of the seven boys. You have Sungyeol (who still had chubby cheeks!), who seems to have weird powers as he's able to move through the house with super speed, jump from the second floor to the first floor, and from the porch to the balcony outside. Seen in the same house is Woohyun who likes to be around the kitchen and twirl around sometimes. I wondered why they had such a buffet of glorious food on the dining table, but later on we see that they're housemates with Dongwoo and Sungjong too. Unless Dongwoo and Sungjong are random neighbors who just so happen to enjoy WooYeol's lawn chairs.
We also see Myungsoo without a shirt but with hat hair even without having worn his hat just yet. He lives in an entirely different home, in a place where it's dark and gray and gloomy. Possibly his neighbor, Hoya lives in a dark and gray and gloomy place too. Sunggyu, on the other hand, seems to live in a limousine. Not exactly a typical house, but hey, it's luxurious!
Moving on to the running: Wherever they were going, it must have been pretty far from the Sungyeol-Woohyun-Dongwoo-Sungjong home because they'd left the house during DAYTIME, whereas Myungpoo and Hoya are allowed enough time to take a shower and tinker with their modes of transportation before leaving, at night. Meh, Sunggyu has a car, he can manage.
Woohyun initially took a golf cart to take him to whatever place, but later on we see that he ditched the cart for no apparent reason and decided to run instead--eventually getting tired and lost and fed up with his lacking sense of direction. Dongwoo is the second to leave home, using a skateboard. But before he gets too far, Sungjong stops him and says, "HYUNG, I HAVE NO SKATEBOARD. YOU NEED TO RUN WITH ME." And so they do. Just as weird as Woohyun's disappearing golf cart, the pair magically obtains a motorbike with a handy sidecar for Sungjong to sit and play aeroplane in as Dongwoo takes care of the driving. Sungyeol, last to leave the house, sees that he has no more wheels to take and decides to run. I mean, he has super speed anyway, right? (Why he took the entire day to run, I still don't understand)
Now Grandpa Gyu has no trouble whatsoever, since he's got his classy limo--and he's generous enough to let the others ride in it too! However, they can only ride in groups of three, since the space is too small for them all. Somewhere along the way, Dongwoo split up with Sungjong and got in the limo with Hoya and Woohyun (who probably hitchhiked from a random sidewalk). Myungsoo is seen sometimes in the limo with Sungjong and Sungyeol, and sometimes on his weird, two-wheeled I-don't-even-know-what-to-call-it thingamabob. Where he and Sunggyu happened to find jelly-legged Sungyeol and orphan Sungjong, that's still a mystery to me--but at least they're all going to one place now!
At last, they park at what I think is near a seaport because of the large cargo boxes behind the limousine. There they find an abandoned vehicle and all decide to get out of the car. Like clowns in a miniature car, the seven of them managed to fit inside the limo when they could previously only fit four. Then we all know how it ends: they open the door and find a large-eared dog wearing an Infinite necklace and that's the end of the story.
It's been almost three years, and I still don't understand the ending of that thing -__-" But anyway, that's the story of Dashi Dorawa! I should invest more time in these Not Quite Random: My 2013 Take On... posts :D
I also appreciate the fans who are able to catch Woohyun when he sings to the microphone.
He looks like a child about to eat a large lollipop XD
+ this photo:
I would kill to have a copy of this photo T_T My feels <3