x #520 x

Feb 16, 2013 21:29

Belated happy Valentine's Day and Singles' Awareness Day, everyone :)
The past few days haven't been all too great for me, but I don't like writing angry/sad/generally negative posts here on LJ (I leave that to my journal and my notes here on meh lappytop), so forget that for now.

It was another Valentine-less year for me, haha~ Nothing new there :P
But in all the busy work I've had this past week, I forgot to say that I did and do have a Valentine. An imaginary one, of course, because meh boyfie doesn't know he's my Valentine :P :P :P

I actually miss posting photos of him here~ ASDJFKL; BtoB is still on hiatus and I can't wait until their next batch of promotions!
Along with their next promotions, I do so hope that they finally cut his hair :( He's a handsome guy, I know, but I get so iffy with his hair :( I beg their stylists not to make him like Junhyung with all their experimental hairstyles and all :-/

Last year I remember Namu was my Valentine :"> Heehee, so this year it's Ilhoonie. Next year, I might just continue the rotation and have it be Yoseob again :P :P
Argh. I'm tired :(
And craving to watch Supernatural.
But one of my brothers is going out tonight and I really prefer to watch it when all three of us are complete at home~
Also, Spn renewed for Season 9, or so I read two days ago. I really don't know what to think anymore~ All I know is that I look forward to each new episode every week, and I can't have "don't watch Supernatural" as my Lenten abstinence anymore this year :P

.updates, =supernatural, @btob

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